Découvrez l'histoire de l'Hologravure et les premiers 3D designs totalement stables dans l'espace, imprimés avec la nouvelle technologie 3D Hologravure

16 - Our 3D Hologravure research

Science and Design, 3D innovation in printing industry, Hologravure technology: <br /> official sites
                     and the future of image …


Since 1980, three-dimensional imagery has been at the core of SCIENCE AND DESIGN's research.

This web site will give you an idea of our major innovations (Hologravure, France 1984) and will introduce you to and help familiarize you with the full array of today's different 3D technologies.

Today, thanks to a growing number of industrial partners; e.g., United States and Asia, already making use of some of our research, SCIENCE AND DESIGN gives you the tools to be creative.

Enjoy your visit! 


Hologravure process: Hologravure is one application of the science of interferometry (as utilized in the graphic arts' industry), giving optic images the effect of relief, viewed either through transparency or by reflection.

Excerpt from Science Encyclopedia. Le Livre de Poche, Collection "La Pochothèque", (registration of copyright 06/1998, 05/2003, France), Garzanti Editore, La Nuova Enciclopedia delle Scienze Garzanti, 1988, 1991, 1998, under an article entitled, "Stereoscopy": 
"... Recently, by means of hologravure, some procedures were set up which directly produce three-dimensional effect without the use of special equipment for vision."

Extrait de "l'Encyclopédie des Sciences, Le Livre de Poche, Collection "La Pochothèque" (dépôt légal 06/1998, 05/2003, France)", Garzanti Editore, La Nuova Enciclopedia delle Scienze Garzanti, 1988, 1991, 1998, sous l'article "stéréoscopie":
... On a récemment, au moyen de l'hologravure, mis au point des méthodes qui produisent directement l'effet tridimensionnel sans l'utilisation d'appareillages de vision spéciaux.

1984 : Birth of the Hologravure technology in France (new 3D technology in traditional printing) - first advertising campaigns. Hologravure was developed by a French scientist after 18 years of research.
Hologravure : technology, research, development, teaching by Science and Design since 1984 (several companies since 1984).

* * *

Our three-dimensional technologies are unique in the world. There have been progressive and exponential generational developments beginning with the lined backgrounds and multiplicity of planes in space.

The second generation introduced half-tinted metal effects and embossing, as well as the ability to work directly on the design to achieve the desired effect.

The third and most recent generation can produce plain backgrounds, nonvisible interferences, flat geometrical objects as well as volume or information in space. Unique new products arising from our technologies of optical impression (speckle, diamond effects, etc.), will give traditional 2D creations another dimension and another aspect in space with the harmonious mixing of these two dimensions on the same support.

Each new generation of Hologravure has developed at an exponential rate. However, this does not mean that earlier versions or achievements are out of date. New products complete creative tools, making them more and more original and sophisticated.

This entirely new concept takes you on a trip through the world of images and beyond. It opens the door to a new concept of space, using traditional images or computer based creations and standard printing colors.



Dynamic effects when you move the picture or when you move in front of the picture with no jumping of the image …

A 3D picture visible from a distance …

iridescence - light effects - -virtual transparency - security codes - etc. 

3D hologravure

3D hologravure

3D hologravure

3D hologravure

3D hologravure
changing of colors

3D hologravure
fringes per design

3D hologravure

3d hologravure

Demonstration of


virtual semi-transparency

the tube is semi-transparent

(virtual transparency)


3D Hologravure art

third gneration of  hologravure
plain background

3D hologravure
full optic design

3D hologravure
fringes per moire and per design
3D hologravure
fringes per moire and per design

3D hologravure
full optic design

3D hologravure
2D plus 3D

3D hologravure

3D Hologravure
France, 1984

3D Hologravure
France, 1988

3D Hologravure
France, 1998

3D Hologravure
fringes per design

Hologravure background

dynamic design using
Hologravure technology
(no "image jumping")

Hologravure technology - official blog by Hologravure technology's inventor